
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2016


Recientemente presenté una plática en la que hablé del tipo de trabajo que hago. Con mucho entusiasmo preparé el material con los mejores ejemplos y las ideas más descriptivas que consideré. Lo que me encontré fue que el concepto que estaba manejando era un poco abstracto y a pesar de que para mí era muy claro, para la audiencia que era ajena completamente al tema le fue complicado asimilarlo. En ese caso encontré la dificultad de describir un concepto concreto y otro abstracto. Lo abstracto es etéreo, inmaterial y difícil de visualizar, en tanto que lo concreto es físico, palpable y demostrable. Si tu audiencia no está involucrada en el tema que estás hablando, para algunos les será difícil seguirte si no utilizas algunos medios para hacer más visual la explicación. Hoy más que nunca es hay que poder definir, describir y explicar de manera sencilla aquellos conceptos abstractos como para poder asegurar inversión para tu idea de start-up, motivar al público y equipo de trabajo a...


I recently presented a talk at my Club in which I spoke of the kind of work I do. With a lot of enthusiasm, I prepared the material with the best examples and the most descriptive ideas I considered. After the talk, I found that the concept I was handling was a bit abstract and although for me it was very clear, it was difficult for the audience to assimilate it. I understood the difficulty of describing a concrete concept and an abstract concept for any audience. The abstract is ethereal, immaterial and difficult to visualize, while the concrete is physical, palpable and demonstrable. If your audience is not involved in the topic you are talking about, for some of them will be difficult to follow if you do not use some means to make the explanation more visual. Today more than ever is necessary to be able to define, describe and explain in a simple way those abstract concepts as to be able to secure an investment for your idea of start-up, motivate the public or your team to tak...

Cómo superar el miedo a hablar en público: Controle su ansiedad.

 Al aceptar nuestra condición de Glosofóbicos (inusual miedo o ansiedad de hablar ante un público), y saber que como a casi todo el mundo le causa gran ansiedad el hablar ante un público, pudiera ser un aliciente para disminuir nuestra ansiedad. Pero mal de muchos consuelos de tontos dice la vieja conseja. En muchas ocasiones nos hemos enfrentado ante una audiencia y ya fuera pequeña o grande, el viejo sentimiento florece y nos resignamos a hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo. Por la falta de preparación y práctica necesaria, nos resulta estresante en la mayoría de las ocasiones. La sola idea de hacerlo hace que nuestras piernas flaqueen,  las manos empiezan a sudar y la voz nos empieza a fallar, mucho tiempo antes de empezar la ocasión. Al enterarnos de que tenemos que presentar una plática o hacer una presentación, muchas cosas pueden suceder hasta el momento de la verdad. Y ellas dependieran de las estrategias que usemos para prepararnos para ese momento. Pudieras confiar...

How to overcome the fear of public speaking: Control your anxiety.

By accepting our status as Glossofphobics (an abnormal fear of speaking in public), and knowing that almost everyone is very anxious speaking to an audience, it could be an incentive to reduce our anxiety. But bad of many consolations of fools say the old advice. On many occasions, we have faced an audience and whether it is small or large, the old feeling flourishes and we resign ourselves to do our best and accept our destiny. Due to the lack of preparation and necessary practice, we find it stressful in most cases. The very idea of ​​doing so, causes our legs to weaken, our hands begin to sweat, and our voice begins to fail, long before the occasion begins. When we find out that we have to give a talk or make a presentation, many things can happen until the moment of truth. And they depended on the strategies we use to prepare for that moment. You could rely on your ability to speak, experience or the lack of knowledge of the audience. You should evaluate what you are look...

Need to talk to a group?

November 01, 2016 How many times you have been asked to give a speech. And trusting in your experience, the capacity of verbiage and in the theoretical knowledge of the subject, you offer to take that request. Time passes by and 15 minutes before the event you start to get worried and start making an outline of what is going to be said. In an instant, an outline appears containing the structure of the parts of the talk, including a few keywords. With those notes, you jumped into the pool. Not thinking carefully about what is going to be said, structuring it carefully, writing it point by point and rehearsing it tirelessly involves various dangers. * The danger of doing it wrong * The danger of not being able to speak * Not achieving the objectives At that moment you feel confident about your experience, you might not be without words, going through the branches and use more time of the assigned. To make it worse, maybe you didn’t cover all the important parts of the talk ...