Let’s take Pathways Challenge

Let’s take Pathways Challenge

The Guadalupe-Reyes “puente” is over and we must not postpone anymore the moment of joining the Pathways program, which Toastmasters has brought us. A program that will allow us to enter more into a more comprehensive and modern skills development era.

But it turns out that we have to start from the basics? Many people have been shocked to know that you have to start by presenting an icebreaker and register basic leadership activities. For advanced speakers who no longer present speeches so frequently, it has been difficult to decide to start again.
It will be hard for us to start a trip at the same level as the newcomers and we must leave the pride aside to roll up the shirt and start doing work from basics.

The advantage for experienced Toastmasters is that the cumulative stage hours can make the process fun, enriching and even therapeutic, since it will allow us to get out of a routine established more than 90 years ago to face a new challenge.

The so-called program, Pathways, which we have to apply from now on, begins with a selection and identification of preferences about your style of speaker and definition of an objective to achieve. It will also give you an approach to the use of new tools that technology provides. Many of us find it hard to do so, and the rejection of change will actively work to not accept it easily.

The beginning is a safe process for all, presenting an icebreaker speech. For veterans, it will allow us to resume the experience of presenting ourselves before the club and in a moment of freshness, to introduce ourselves to the club again. Many will already know us and others will hardly know us.

The icebreaker is a speech in which in a time of 4 to 6 minutes you have to introduce yourself to the club. A story, detail of your life or an experience. I think today is the time to apply techniques that some have developed on a long process.

Lately, we found a lot of information about how to present our products and ideas using the internet, social networks, podcasts, and blogs. And there are people who promote it skillfully known as, content creators. Before this era, the "content" we spread reached customers only locally, among the social or professional circle in which we move, but now, the internet has allowed us to spread our ideas, products or services to everyone all around the world.

I have met in Toastmasters, and possibly you too, great human beings, eloquent people, with great ideas and honesty. From many of them, I kept in my memory speeches and talks that have left a deep mark in my life. I thank all of them, my mentors and friends, who have helped me, people that you only find in Toastmasters. They know who they are.

Now we will all have the opportunity to spread all over the world those ideas that can make someone change for a better world.

Pathways allow us to combine experience with current tools. If you think that because you are not "Millennial", it is time to take on a bigger challenge and share the stories and experiences to an audience as big as the world is.
A new program, Pathways, the use of technology and do not forget that the use of the English language will allow you to expand the range of dissemination of your message. Do not stay seated in the comfort zone of the club, the world waits to hear your words.

Last session.

As an ongoing process, Deloitte’s Club has the will to make every week a fun and learning process. And as Michael Jordan said; “Earn your leadership every day”, we want to be leaders every session and try to have high-quality sessions.

People from México, Venezuela, Canada, Perú, and Brazil join together to learn and have a good time.

This time the Toastmaster for the night was Mike Delgadillo, a hard friend that every time you need some support he will step right on. So he took the role to lead the session this week. He had the helping hand of all members and the final product was amazing.

The explanation of; “Why or what is Toastmasters”, was made by Carlos Ruiz, an example of hard work and dedication, he has a wonderful family that supports him always. Great job Carlos and keep being an example for everyone.

Prepared speeches

The first speech was delivered by Ricardo Alvarez, he is one of our champions who is working on the Competent Communicator manual, he presented the project number 5, “Your body speaks”, the title was; Apologies. He spoke about how great help in your life is to make apologies and recognize that you know that there is room for improvement. Don’t let your pride keep you out of this wonderful opportunity.

His evaluator was Sergio Cisneros.

The second speaker was Chris Cook. He is working on both programs; the traditional Toastmasters program and the brand new program; Pathways. This time he presented an advanced project from the Manual; “Specialty speeches”, speaking out of the cuff. The talk was entitled; Random Topic”, in which he demonstrated how to be prepared in advance for an unprepared question. Think fast, talk slowly and give a bright message.

His evaluator was Genaro Valadez.

Table Topics.
This time the table Topics were presented by Armando Yépez. His preparation to have smart questions is one of his trademarks. This is the most entertaining moments of every session. Remember again, stage time is the secret to improve your public speaking skills, take the challenge every time and raise your hand to participate.

Duty Holders.

General Evaluator:
Raul Huerta
Marco Sanchez
Francisco Ruiz
Guadalupe Reyes

Thanks team for your support and your feedback to help us improve every time.


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