Butterfly effect.

I’ve learned that whatever you do in a Toastmaster session like leading the session, helping on a role, advising a guest or giving feedback. Will be like the butterfly effect, which is the origin of the chaos theory, you throw a stone into a lake and create waves without ever thinking where they will have some impact. On the sessions, we have people from different parts of the world, USA, Canada, Venezuela, England, South Africa, Peru, and Colombia. Also people from different parts of the country and our own city. Where else you have that opportunity to meet such interesting people.

Different points of view, experiences level of education and knowledge. Entrepreneurs, students, accountants, engineers, lawyers, human resources experts, and a lot other more.

Everyone has an opinion and even we don’t evaluate what is said, we focus on how it is said. Every message can make a greater change in some’s life.

Every person has its own story and a particular point of view, so the same situation can be seen differently from someone else’s perspective.

Stories also are amazing adventures. People can talk about places from the other part of the world and can captivate your attention, but as well you might hear stories from parts of your own city that didn’t consider to be as interesting as the others.

I've seen people sweating when they give a speech, but the story was so interesting and emotional that you forgot about every other detail.

You will never know the consequences of your message, just be honest. Throw the stone in the pond and maybe you will end up helping to cause a tornado in China.
